Native Plants for Virginia’s Capital Region


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Native Plants for Virginia’s Capital Region, published by the Plant RVA Natives Campaign, showcases the attractive variety of plants native to the Virginia Capital Region, which includes Henrico, Hanover, City of Richmond, Chesterfield, Charles City, New Kent, Powhatan, Goochland, Cumberland, and Amelia. Native plant species have evolved within specific areas and been dispersed throughout their range without known human involvement. These plants form the primary structure of the living landscape and provide food and shelter for native animal species.

Although this guide is not comprehensive, the native plants featured here were selected because they are attractive, relatively easy for the home gardener to acquire, easy to maintain, and offer various benefits to wildlife and the environment.

This guide is being provided by the Plant RVA Natives Campaign to promote the use of these plants in the urban and suburban landscapes of the Virginia Capital Region for their many social, cultural, and economic benefits, and to increase the availability of these native plants in retail centers throughout the region.