Accomack County

Check out the following sites in Accomack County where you can find ES Natives!


Chincoteague Island Natural Trail - "Shady Wetlands landscape

The landscaping of this demonstration site was kept as natural as possible and includes Eastern Shore natives that do well in shady moist conditions. The plants were covered with pinestraw and blend beautifully into the existing native vegetation.

Designed by Kim Owen, a local landscaper, this site was funded by the Virginia CZM Program and is being maintained by Eastern Shore Master Naturalists.


ES native plants of note at this site include:
Amelanchier arborea - Downy Serviceberry
Clethera alnifolia - Coastal White-alder, Pepperbush
Osmunda cinnamomea - Cinnamon Fern
Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern
Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas Fern


Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge - "bird garden"

This sites includes two demonstration gardens, one with species that attract butterflies and another that demonstrates how to create backyard bird habitat by providing food (native plants & bird feeders), water and cover (native plants & brush pile). The Visitor Center installed an interpretive display inside the center in front of a very large window that overlooks the garden. The display area includes binoculars, bird books, a wildlife sighting recording binder, and outreach material on how to create a backyard wildlife habitat, along with chairs so that visitors can sit back and relax as they gaze out on the garden. The project was a cooperative effort among the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists with many volunteers from each organization.


ES native plants of note at this site include:
Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Redcedar
Ilex opaca - American Holly
Morella Pensylvanica - Northern Bayberry
Prunas serotina - Black Cherry
Solidago sempervirens - Seaside Goldenrod


Onley Rural Health Center - "Healing Garden"

This garden highlights the therapeutic power of Eastern Shore native plants, and was installed in 2011 as part of a sustainable landscape. Signage will highlight the link between healthy landscapes and healthy people. This site is a partnership between the Eastern Shore Rural Health System, Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Eastern Shore Resource Conservation and Development Council.


ES native plants of note at this site include:
Asclepias tuberosa - Butterflyweed
Baccharis halimifolia - Groundsel Tree
Eupatorium fistulosum - Joe-pye weed
Itea virginica - Virginia Sweetspire
Viburnum dentatum - Arrowwood
Chionanthus virginicus - Fringetree


Onancock School - "Nature Trail"

This native landscape is along a trail and branch of Onancock Creek at the Onancock School. The first major planting in 2010 was funded by a Chesapeake Bay License Plate grant. Many local groups and businesses partnered in installation of the site including: Friends of Onancock School, T & W Block, Tidewater Growers, B.S. Troop 313, Garden Club of the Eastern Shore and S & T Construction. In the fall of 2013, a riparian buffer of native trees will be installed through a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and a raingarden will be installed with natives donated by Debedeavon Garden Club.


ES native plants of note at this site include:
Acer Rubrum - Red Maple
Fagus Grandifolia - American Beech
Liriodendron Tulipifera - Tuliptree
Nyssa Sylvatica - Blackgum
Platanus occidentalis - Sycamore


Town of Wachapreague Seaside Park - "Shoreline Native Plant Landscape"

This approximately 12,000 sq ft garden is located within Seaside Park at the edge of an Atlantic coastal marsh in the heart of Wachapreague. It showcases a diverse array of Eastern Shore native plants that are especially tolerant of salt water intrusion. The garden is a living testimony to the resilience of native plants having been flooded twice since installation! This site, maintained by the town with some assistance from Ivy Farms Nursery, was funded by the Virginia CZM Program and designed and installed by Kim Owen, a local landscape designer. The town has installed benches, donated by citizens in dedication to loved ones, and is considering the addition of a pergola for native vines and interpretive signage to highlight native plant benefits.


ES native plants of note at this site include:
Baccharis halimifolia - High-tide Bush (Groundsel Tree) 
Hibiscus moscheutos - Eastern Rosemallow
Morella cerifera - Wax Myrtle
Platanus occidentalis - Sycamore
Solidago sempervirens - Seaside Goldenrod


Willis Wharf Wildlife Observation Platform - "Shoreline Landscape"

The Eastern Shore natives planted at this demonstration site can tolerate bright sun and salt spray. The site was designed by Appleseed Nurseries, Inc, a local landscaper, and installed with assistance from Eastern Shore Master Naturalists. Maplewood Gardens has done a great job of helping to maintain the garden with the help of local citizens. The observation platform and native landscaping, funded by the Virginia CZM Program, served as a backdrop for the launch of the "Plant ES Natives" campaign on April 24, 2009.


ES native plants of note at this site include:
Diospyros virginiana - Common Persimmon
Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Redcedar
Lonicera sempervirens - Coral or Trumpet Honeysuckle
Morella pennsylvanica - Northern Bayberry
Panicum virgatum - Switch Grass